Different Types of Demat Account in India As per the guidelines by SEBI, it is very necessary for an individual to have a Demat Account if he/she wishes to make any type of investment in the …
What are Demat Trading Account Charges SEBI has made it compulsory for retail investors to open a demat account to invest in the stock market. Apart from trading in futures and options,…
Always Invest for Long Term! [Investment Lesson 3] Last week we understood the importance of Saving and Investing Money . This week we shall see the next important investing principle of legendary Inv…
All You Need To Know About Dematerialization Of Shares The process by which the physical share certificates of a company are converted to an electronic form is what is commonly known as dematerializatio…
How to Open Demat Account Opening a Demat account is the first step to dematerialize your securities and shares. The process to dematerialize involves a series of documentati…
What is Demat Account Are you still keeping your bought shares in physical form? If yes, then there are higher chances of fraud and theft of shares. To cope with this, t…
Financial mistakes people make in their 30s In your twenties, you may have made a lot of money mistakes - from having a lot of credit card debt to eating full time with no savings. After all, i…
LIC IPO gets SEBI approval: All you need to know! Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) gets SEBI’s nod to raise funds through an initial share sale. The approval from India's market regulator came wi…